Thursday, October 30, 2008

Time-lapse of garden April-> July

April 19th 2007, then May 25th, finally July 5th. After this the plums branch was so heavy with fruit I couldn't shoot from this angle!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's almost halloween so what's left???

Kale, chard, spinach, turnips, beets, radishes, carrots, cilantro, leeks, wait really it's almost November???  After another busy season I really thought I would be on vacation from the garden by now.  I thought I would be happy and ready to see this season slip into the books, it turns out I am overjoyed to keep it going.  
I have a perennial community plot in Burlington, Vermont, and am enjoying exploring the intricacies of growing vegetables in our wild growing season.  In late October that means covering frost sensitive plants with straw, remay (gardening cloth) and pretty much anything I can grab.  Leaves, trimmed grass and five-gallon-buckets.  The bucket trick got some fordhook chard all the way to December in '07!!!!  Success in the garden is all about trying lots of new things and learning from the successes and the disappointments. 

 Will post some photos of what is left in the garden to show what I am doing!!
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