Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A day of firsts!!

First greens harvest... First cutting of chives...

I wasn't expecting the green onions or spinach to be ready, I hadn't even brought a bag to put them in!!  They were all planted last season and are coming back very quickly.  The chives are always welcome spots of green in the early spring.

First sprouts from the 'winter sown' project!!

I finally took a few decent photos of the winter sown projects.  These seeds were planted outside in late February in one gallon containers.  The Spinach/Swiss Chard container is on the top, and has a decidedly 'brassica-esque' sprout,  the Cabbage container is below and is looking good!!!  The cabbages don't have true leaves quite yet, but man are there a lot of them!


chaiselongue said...

It's so exciting, isn't it, to pick the first leaves of the season and to see the new plants starting to grow! It all looks good.

Paul and Melanie said...

Looks like you're a few weeks ahead of us UK gardeners, although my cabbage seedlings are looking at the same kind of stage. :)

Wayne Stratz said...

I too had my first chives for the season recently. also some thyme and oregano.

B + S said...

It is always amazing to me how long I wait for those first little glimpses of green. Then how quickly it all gets going.... It feels like summer but wasn't it snowing las week??

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