Wednesday, February 18, 2009

They're here!!!!!

The seeds are here!  The seeds are here!!  From ordering to delivery felt like the longest 13 days ever.  Was new years really so long ago? This feels like the true beginning of 2009, maybe I should crack open a bottle of something bubbly?
I ordered everything from Fedco Seeds in Maine this year.  I think I pretty much covered the whole season's needs except for a few varieties that they were sold out of.  This seed company I have found has great heirloom selections, high germination rates, cheap prices and a big organic selection, plus their graphics are fun.  The garden still needs parsnip seeds and soybeans.  I'll probably get those at Gardener's Supply (my local garden shop).  
I am very excited to be trying some new vegetables this year:
Brussels Sprouts (var. Oliver)
Broccoli (var. Windsor)
Cabbage (var. Golden Acre)
Fennel (var. Zefa Fino)
Not only have I never grown these I haven't grown them from seed before, so I am in for a big experiment.  Anyone ever grown any of these varieties from seed in New England or in zone 5?
I also have a box full of seed from 2008, seed I saved from the garden or simply didn't quite use up.  Last year the seed I saved was mostly letuces, beans and peas.  This year I hope to a add to that list.  2009 feels like it's off to a running start.


Wayne Stratz said...

did you open that bottle of bubbly yet? I need to check out Fedco seeds. I keep seeing bloggers posting about them.

B + S said...

I think the bubbly is over due! I just planted up some of the fedco seeds in a 'winter sown' project.

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