Friday, December 12, 2008

Dirty little secret...

I live with a person who is popcorn obsessed.  Which has inevitably lead to popcorn being found in strange places...  sometimes a bit later than I would like to admit.  
Can you guess where I found this one???


tina said...

I don't want to guess and hope it is not the kitchen sink.

RURAL said...

I love popcorn, but my husband doesn't like the smell. So to keep marital harmony, and because he is so good to me, I don't make it unless he is out of the house. But you have to see his face when he comes back in, sniffing the air "you made popcorn!" Who me, no!

Then he steps on a stray kernell that fell on the kitchen floor, and the gig is up. LOL.


Paper Tiger said...

Becky -- You have hit upon a great idea for winter gardening in Vermont. Congratulations! Let's see what else you can grow there. You could be on to something that will lead to fame and fortune.

Paper Tiger

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