Friday, January 2, 2009

Last day of the year in the garden

This is the most recent photo I have for my garden series.  I started in May and took a photo every once and a while from the same location. I guess I should have done it at regular intervals... The plum branch framed the top of the shot at the beginning of the season, but as the bough got heavier it blocked more and more of the view.  I think I'll continue with this series but also start a new one that won't be so obstructed.  I wish I could get an aerial view like Skippy has.


chaiselongue said...

What a great idea - to take regular pictures of your plot. Perhaps you could take them from the other side so that we could see the plum tree when it's flowering and then laden with fruit! Happy gardening year!

Paper Tiger said...

Hey, lend your camera to a friendly eagle!
-- Paper Tiger

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