Monday, November 24, 2008

It's only over when all the spinach croaks!!

I guess I really need to take the hint.  The ground is frozen, and the season has truly come to a close.  I just wish I had been able to get some of the parsnips out for Thanksgiving.  Darn...  
Last week we had some brutally cold weather, I harvested the last of the turnips, and a few of the parsnips.  The cold scared me off, and I figured I would come back to get the rest.  Silly me, the ground went from 1/4'' frozen to over 2'' of frozen topsoil in less than a week!  So I'll wait until the spring thaw, or perhaps I'll get impatient and build a cold frame.  I did grab the last of the chard, and some kale also a few beets that were still out there.  The beets were almost on top of the soil so the just popped right out.
The one plant that is still surviving in the garden is the spinach.  As I've said I have it under two layers of remay, and a little bit of straw, it looks great.  It isn't throwing out many new leaves now because our days are so short, but it is hanging in there!  Maybe it'll last until March, and give us some early greens.


Tammy said...


Yes everything here in MO has croaked because we have had a couple of cold spells in 20's. Cold frame is going well though. Thinking about putting a light source in it for extra heat. Check out cold frames from Easy-Garden ( Has automatic opener for those days when it does get a little warm.

B + S said...

I covet those cold frames!!

I think if I was gardening at home I would spring for a nice ready made cold frame.....buuuut my plot is in a community garden, and I think a nice one wouldn't last a week before it was nabbed. :(
I might make a cheap-o one from some scrap lumber and a lead free window. That way either no one will take it or I won't mind too much when they do!

spookydragonfly said...

Just browsing and I found you through Blotanical. I'm envious of people that grow vegetables so well...I stick to the flowers!

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