Monday, November 3, 2008

What to do with a pile of roots and bok-choi...

Well I say get your salt and chilies we're making kimchi!! Yum. 
I used the recipe from Sandor Katz's book Wild Fermentation. His web site is here.  

In short the process involves adding julienned vegetables to a brine, then mixing them with minced fresh ginger, chilies and garlic. The whole mess is then packed into a container, I used a half gallon mason jar.  It sits on your counter for 4 days to a week 
depending on the temperature, until it is bubbly and sour... in a really good way.  
Again that is the abbreviated version, it is pretty easy though, and very adaptable.  I had atomic red carrots, daikon radish, bok choi and leeks left so that is what went into the jar!  Last year we had beet, carrot, leek kimchi. Tasty but very pink.  Traditionally there can also be fish or oyster sauce added, I'm just not that adventurous yet.  
This batch has just the bok choi ribs in it, (not the green parts I thought they got too slimy) and I left them whole, but they are so mustardy
 that I might chop them up in the next batch.

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