Sunday, November 9, 2008

A love affair.....

Oh turnips how do I love thee?  Let me count the ways...

I suppose it isn't that serious, but having finally gotten the hang of growing turnips I am ecstatic to be harvesting them!  Last year the turnips went in at the wrong time, mid summer, I had no clue what I was doing and had clearly done no research.  I wound up with the most massive, woody, pithy, bolting monsters.  Utter failure!  But from that came a new understanding of my fall loving friend.  This year the turnips went in August 12th and 18th, perfect!!  
This photo shows all of the roots that grew this year except the radishes.  There are bull's blood and golden beets, purple top turnips, excalibur parsnips, purple dragon, atomic red and scarlet nantes carrots.  


garden girl said...

beautiful, colorful veggies!

chaiselongue said...

Beautiful root vegetables! I didn't used to like turnips much, but now we grow them I love them too!

B + S said...

yeah they have really grown on me!!! They are just so pretty, like purple easter eggs.

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